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Fibreglass Swimming Pools and Ponds

The fibreglass finish makes a very old and tired pool look brand new and your water sparkle once more.

Once your old liner has been removed and relevant repairs carried out the fibreglass can start to be applied. New copings can be laid and the fibreglass tucked under them or a plastic finish can be put under your copings and lapping over the fibreglass.
Unlike a liner there are no seams so the pool looks like one complete shell.

Sometimes tile bands are put around the top of the pool to give a luxury look, in extreme cases the whole pool is tiled and grouted to make a liner pool look like a tiled concrete pool.

Whether the pool or pond be rectangle, square, round or kidney in fact any shape with any shape inside it can be fibreglassed.

Advantages of fibreglassing your pool or pond

Our Swimming Pool and Pond projects

fibreglass Indoor Pool
A fibreglass Pond Built By High fibreglass Reinforced Plastic Specialists
A Plant Room Designed and Built By High fibreglass Reinforced Plastic Specialists